You Can Prevent Eviction with Crisis Assistance
Many people find themselves in crisis when financial difficulties make it impossible to pay for essential expenses like rent, utilities and food. Often the sudden loss of a job, a divorce, major rent increase, expensive car repair or serious illness can put an isolated individual, parent, child, veteran, senior or family at imminent risk for eviction. At SVdP, our goal is to keep people from becoming homeless. First, our volunteers visit those in crisis in their own home, at their convenience, to assess the situation. Next, we provide assistance like temporary rent, or groceries, to stop the crisis. Finally, we offer trainings in budgeting and money-saving life skills, and explore additional support resources to build each family’s ability to remain self-sufficient.
Your gift provides emergency rent payments to keep people in their homes.
Choose donation type “other” and note “Sponsor gift for Prevent Eviction”
You Can End Homelessness
Every day our Housing Help Desk works with people currently experiencing homelessness, including veterans, seniors, families with children, and single adults who may be fully employed, or living with a disability. These people are often in high-risk situations that quickly get worse without help. Our goal is to move people back into housing as quickly as possible. SVdP Help Desk counselors assess each person or family’s housing options, determine eligibility for housing assistance programs, and help search for rental units or shared housing opportunities.
Once suitable housing is found, your gift funds the rental deposits, first month’s rent and move-in costs to open the door to a new home!
Choose donation type “other” and note “End Homelessness”